रविवार, 11 सितंबर 2011

‘Ho̠ṛ Buddhi: Part II’

गातेको ! आर मित् धाव अगु सॅटॅरापॅ कनञ मानोतान सुंदर मनोज हेम्ब्रॉम ऑलाक् मित् टेच् हॉड़ कहनी । इंगरेजी तॅ तोरजोमाव कादाय मानोतान रंजीत कुमार हाँसदाक् ।

साथियों ! फिर से पेश-ए-खिदमत है जनप्रिय लेखक श्री सुंदर मनोज हेम्ब्रम का मूल संताली में लिखा एक और मनोरंजक कहानी । मूल कहानी का संताली से अंगरेजी में अनुवाद किया है श्री रंजीत कुमार हंसदा ने ।

दोनों महानुभावों को हमरे तरफ से बहुत-बहुत आभार !  

‘Ho̠ṛ Buddhi: Part II’
Original Story in Santali: Sunder Manoj Hembrom

Abo̠wak̓ ko̠le̠j Sạnthal Pạrgạna Mạhawidyalai, Jila Dumka. Go̠ṭa Sạnthal Pạrgana re̠ laha utạr namḍak ko̠le̠j. Tinạk̓ utạr co̠ namḍak ar lekman ho̠ṛ ko paṛhao uḍuṅ akana…no̠͂nḍe̠ kho̠n. Go̠ṭa Santhal Pargana re̠n ko̠ṛa-kuṛi koak̓ mit̓ṭe̠c̓ ge kukmu: ko̠le̠j paṛhak̓ do̠ no̠͂nde̠ ge calak̓ hoyok̓a … !

Sokol Murmu, ato: Saharjuṛi, Thana: Shikaripaṛa, Jila: Dumka do̠ ato mạnjhi re̠n ko̠ṛa ye̠ ta͂hẽ̠ kana. Kisạ͂ṛ ge ko ta͂hẽ̠ kana, ako ato hisạb te̠ do̠ … maraṅ-maraṅ ponea ko cakeya, hoṛo reak̓ ar bạndi ma ḍhulạ pe̠re̠c̓ ar raca ho̠͂ murại pe̠re̠c̓. Gại-ḍangra ma goṛa bhurti ar sim-sukri ma ase̠c̓-tase̠c̓. Kạṭic̓ kho̠n ge̠ paṛhak̓ reak̓ ‘dilgạri’. Ako ato reak̓ ‘primary’ ar ‘high’ skul re̠do̠ kajak tạpis ko̠ṛa re ge ko lekhaede ta̠͂he̠͂ kan ta̠͂hẽ̠na. Dumka SP ko̠le̠j re̠ye̠ paṛhak̓a, suṭ-buṭ ho̠ro̠k̓ kate̠t̓e̠ da͂ṛa baṛaea, gate ko sa͂o te̠ sinạma pạhil ‘show’ rege ye̠ ǹe̠l dareyak̓a, Dumka kho̠n Shikaripaṛa bạs te̠ ‘boss’ leka bego̠r ṭikạṭ te̠ye̠ he̠c̓ daṛe̠yak̓a, … ar Shikaripaṛa Cok re̠ ‘hero’ leka tingu katet̓ kuṛi koye̠ nolao daṛe̠wakoa… noa ko hudis kate̠t̓ lac̓ re̠ bukṛu ge ye̠ ạikạueda.

Ado̠ abo re̠n hiro Sokol Murmu do̠ ‘2nd lisṭ’ re̠ ạḍi muskil te̠ ‘History, Political Science ar Hindi’ co̠mbinesạn wala sạbjekṭ e̠ ǹam keda. Adibasi Welfeyạr Ho̠sṭel re̠ho̠͂ jaegae ǹam keda. Me̠nkhan jo̠to̠ kho̠n muskil ma ho̠sṭe̠l rege, ‘ragging’ re̠ko dhama-dhurạ caba kedea. Senior dada tako aema jinis onkanak̓ ko ceka aco kedea, okaṭak̓ do̠ hudis ho̠͂ bae hudis akat̓ ta͂he̠n. Noa hudis kate̠t̓ jo̠to̠ ye̠ sahao ke̠da, pase̠c̓ lạṭu ko̠le̠j kore̠ do̠ no̠nka ge ạri-cạli do̠ … ar mit̓ bo̠cho̠r bad ma ac̓ ho̠͂ nahak̓e̠ siniar dadak̓. Ragging bo̠to̠r te̠ laha nak̓ mit̓ cando̠ do̠ kilas kho̠n jạsti sine̠ma ǹe̠l ar Dumka bajar da͂ṛa͂n rege paro̠m ena. Ado̠ ona le̠se̠ṛhe͂t̓ te̠  Dumka reak̓ gạli-gạli ye̠ ghamao caba ke̠da. Ar aema gate ho̠͂ ye̠ ǹam ke̠t̓ koa … jo̠to̠ ge 1st iyạr bachṛa.

“Henda ya, Sokol … niạ Baṛadin chuṭi re̠ ho̠sṭe̠l se̠c̓ kho̠n PURI te̠ da͂ṛa͂-baṛa ko idiye̠t̓ bona, calak̓ am?” Rạmesh Kisku ye̠ kulē kēdēya. Rạmesh ar Sokol do̠ mit̓ṭe̠c̓ kilas rege menak̓ kina. Ragging bo̠to̠r te̠ bana hoṛ ge so̠nge tege sine̠ma te̠kin dạṛ baṛae̠t̓ ta͂hẽ̠na, ona iạte̠ ạḍi gate.
“Tinạk̓ ṭaka lagat̓a ya, Ramesh?”
“Jạsti do̠ baṅ 1000.”
“Ar jham-jham (kuṛi) ko do̠ ko n̓amo̠k̓a se̠ baṅ?”
“Dela se̠ ya, bako ǹamo̠k̓ khac̓ abo sa͂ote̠n re̠n ma menak̓ ko ge̠co̠.” Ramesh co̠ṭo̠k macha te̠ye̠ ro̠ṛ ruạṛ ke̠da.
“To̠be̠ calak̓ hoyok̓a…ṭren tege thor?” kuli ǹo̠k̓ kedeyay. E̠nte̠k̓ Dumka re̠ ṭren lain baṅ ta͂he̠͂ kan te̠, ṭren re̠ de̠jo̠k̓ reak̓ sad do̠ ta͂he̠͂ kan gea. Ar ce̠tan kho̠n jalapuri n̓e̠l reak̓ sad. Banar ho̠ṛ kin reạo ena.

* * *

Jo̠to̠ te̠ 30 te̠ gan ko̠le̠j kōr̠a ar kur̠i kō ta͂he͂ kana. So̠nge̠ te̠ ho̠ste̠l superintendent ho͂ kin ta͂he̠ kana. Banar re̠n ge̠ juda-judạ. Mo̠j te̠ge̠ Bhuwaneshwar kō se̠te̠r e̠na. O̠nde̠ mit’ din re̠ge̠ jo̠to̠ kō n̓e̠l kēda. Dōsar din do̠ Nandan-Kanan re̠ janwar ko̠ n̓e̠l bar̠a kate̠t̓ Somnath Temple kō mōndha ye̠na. Ar n̓indạ dhạbic̓ te̠ Puri ko̠ se̠te̠r e̠na. Sasta macha hotel laha khon ge̠ travel agency ho̠te̠ te̠ ko̠ book akat̓ ta͂he̠ kana. Kor̠a ar kur̠i banar lạgit ge̠ judạ-judạ.  Bar din reyak̓ progam ta͂he͂ kana, kajak̓ langa ēyạtē kho̠r-kho̠r kō jạpit̓ ke̠da. 

Ōnkō wak̓ hotel do̠ jalapuri ar̠e̠ re̠ge̠ ta͂he͂ kana. Se̠tak̓ re̠yak̓ rusar̠ ho̠y te̠ ạdi re̠ge̠ kō bērēt̓ e̠na. Ar mo̠ndha ye̠na ko jalapuri ar̠e̠ ho̠y jo̠m lạgit̓. Puri re̠yak̓ birat jalapuri gētēl sētak̓-sētak̓ da͂r̠a-bar̠a re̠ ạdi ro̠sar̠ ạykạk̓ kan ta͂he̠na. Bay of Bengal, asambher̠ jalapuri n̓e̠l kate̠t̓ mo̠ne̠ ge̠ ban͂ tirpit̓ok̓ kan tahe̠na. Jalapuri dhew, Hizla dungri le̠ka rakap̓ hijuk̓ kan ta͂he̠na…ar Mo̠r gada re̠yak̓ rir̠im dak̓ leka ar̠e̠ dhạbic̓ te̠ he̠c̓-he̠c̓ te̠ thiruc̓ kan ta͂he̠na.

Ko̠r̠a-kur̠i gathaw kate̠t̓ ko̠ da͂r̠a bar̠a kan tahe̠na. Ado̠ o̠nkō n̓e̠l kate̠t̓ abo̠ re̠n ko̠r̠a-kur̠i ho͂ juri-pạri leka ko̠ hatin̓ e̠na. Ramesh ho͂ Lalita sa͂w te̠ye̠ jor̠ha ye̠na. Nasi-nasi ge̠ kin galmaraw akat̓ ta͂he̠na ko̠le̠j re̠do̠, me̠nkhan sạngin̓ disom re̠ he̠c̓ katet̓ kajak̓ kin gate̠ ye̠na. Bar din re̠ge̠ se̠day gate̠ le̠ka dulạr̠…Hay re̠ dulạr̠ !

Sare̠c̓ e̠nay ac̓ mo̠to̠c̓ Sokol do̠, mo̠ne̠-mo̠ne̠ te̠ onkō ye e̠ge̠r e̠t̓ kō ta͂he͂ kana ar ac̓ nijạ ho͂ ye͂ kastak̓ kan ta͂he̠na. “To̠ya sokol, e̠ke̠n kur̠i the̠paw po̠ntha re̠ye̠ ta͂he̠na. Buj ke̠dam tho̠r, mite̠c̓ gan ho͂ ye̠m bulạw le̠ko̠ khac̓ kạmi be̠naw ko̠t̓ tama. To̠ya be̠do̠!” mo̠ne̠-mo̠ne̠ te̠ ye̠ badak̓-budạk̓ ke̠da.

Ce̠t̓ e̠ ce̠kaya, Jalapuri ar̠e̠ gētēl re̠ gētēl kōlsa-kōlsa te̠ e̠tak̓ se̠c̓ e̠ mondha e̠na. Tho̠r̠a jhạl re̠ge̠ mit̓e̠c̓ ho̠r̠ gētēl re̠ ạdi mo̠j Gandhi babawak̓ muthạn e̠ be̠naw akat̓ ta͂he̠na. Ar mitte̠n do̠ye̠ be̠naw kan ta͂he̠na…pase̠c̓ Aiswarya Rai e̠ ta͂he̠ kana…bay purạw akat̓ ta͂he̠na. Ạdi gạkhur̠ “kalakar” ge̠ ye̠ ta͂he̠ kana. Gētēl re̠ ōnạk̓ moj kalakari do̠ o̠ka re͂ho͂ bay n̓el akat̓ ta͂he̠na, Sokol do̠. O̠nde̠ ge̠ye̠ tēngō re̠he̠t̓ e̠na. Ạdi ghạr̠ic̓ bad, mite̠c̓ kuhu ce͂r̠e͂ le̠ka ar̠a͂n̓ adi sōr kho̠n e̠ anjo̠m ke̠da. Onka bujhaw e̠na; jạpit̓ kho̠n e̠ bērēt’ e̠na, Sokol do̠.

“Bạhut der se dekh rahi hoon, kafi mantr-mugdh hain aap is kalakar ke kalakari se.” Mitte̠n adi ce̠rha e̠se̠l safa kur̠i Hindi te̠ ye̠ me̠ta dēya. “Aap bhi kala premi hain meri tarah…lagta hai.”

Pạrdes re̠ o̠nka he̠r̠e̠m ar apnar ar̠a͂n̓ anjo̠m kate̠t̓ o̠ko̠y bay ghabr̠ak̓a…Sokol ho͂ ye̠ gar̠bar̠aw e̠na. E̠ke̠n e̠ me̠n ke̠da, “Han ji.”

“Aap akele hi nikle hain ghumne, aapka koi saathi nahi?” arho͂ ac̓ ge̠ galmaraw e̠ eho̠p̓ ke̠da uni ce̠rha kurr̠i do̠. ”mere bhi sare sathi chale gaye ghume apne-apne dost ke sath, mein hi akele bor ho rahi hoon. Lagta hai apke sath bhi yahi hua hai.” 

“Kahin mein aap ko pareshan to nahi kar rahi? Waise mera nam Sofia hai aur apka?”
Ja͂hay ce̠rha kur̠i o̠nka ye̠ me̠tam ar am bam bantak̓, o̠nka hōy ge̠ ba͂n̓ hōy dar̠ēk̓. Ar Sokol ma ōna to̠las re̠ge̠ ye̠ kan. Turạ͂t e̠ jo̠bab ke̠da, “nahi-nahi aisi koi bat nahi, mere pas samay hi samay hai. Mujhe bhi kisi sathi ki zaroorat thi. Achha hua aap mil gayi.”

“waise mera nam Somay hai, Somay Tudu.” Baday kate̠t̓ ge̠ e̠r̠e̠ ye̠ ro̠r̠ keda.   
“To Somay ji kyun na ham beach me tahle, bat-chit bhi ho jayegi, ek-doosre ko jan bhi lenge aur time-pass bhi ho jayega.” Sofiya do̠ proposal e̠ do̠ho̠ ke̠da.

Banar ho̠r̠ jalapuri ar̠e̠ te̠ tar̠am kin e̠ho̠p̓ keda. Unkinak̓ body-language te̠ o̠ko̠y bakō me̠n dar̠e̠yak̓a je̠ nuking do̠ kichu somoy laha re̠ ạnạr̠i ge̠ kin ta͂he̠ kana. Kajak̓ sēbēl ge̠ kin galmarak̓ kan ta͂he̠na pase̠c̓. E̠nte̠k̓ bar-pe̠ do̠m ice-cream ho͂ kin jo̠m ke̠da tala re̠. Ko̠r̠a ho̠r̠ e̠yate̠ payment do̠ Sokol ge̠ ye̠ e̠m e̠t ta͂he̠na. Sofiya do̠ e̠ke̠n jo̠m maja. Bar-pe̠ gho̠nta kin da͂r̠a-bar̠a ke̠da ar galmaraw ho͂ galmaraw. Kajak̓ kin he̠r̠a-ghe̠sa ye̠na ōnak̓ somoy re̠ge̠. Se̠day gate̠ le̠ka. Sokol e̠ disa ke̠da, hotel te̠ calak̓ hōyōk̓a daka jo̠m lạgit̓.

“Achha Sofiya, bahut achha laga tum se mil kar, ab mujhe jana hoga. Waise aaj sham ko kya kar rahi ho? Milte hain isi jagah par…agar tum raji ho to dinner par bhi jayenge.” Sokol do̠ chance e̠ hataw ke̠da.

“Kah nahi sakti, pata nahi saheliyon ka kya proram hoga…fir bhi koshish karti hoon. Lekin dinner ke liye jyada door nahi jana hai, yahin pas me beach pe hi achha restaurant hai.” Direct do̠ bay he͂ le̠da. Dēkō kur̠i tho̠r husyạr ge̠ kō ta͂he̠na. Banar ho̠r̠ tē hilạw kate̠t̓ kin bidạ ye̠na. Ar banar ge̠ ạdi kusi kin n̓e̠lo̠k̓ kan ta͂he̠na. Sokol ma ar jạsti ge̠, pardes re̠ dēkō “jham-jham” e̠ n̓am akadēya tho̠r.

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Ạyup̓ bela jo̠to̠ ko̠le̠j ko̠r̠a-kur̠i evening-walk lạgit̓ ko̠ saprak̓ kan ta͂he̠na. Jo̠to̠ ge̠ ạdi mạti re̠kō ta͂he͂ kana. Sokol ho͂ curạ-mare̠ sapr̠aw kate̠t̓ Sofiya sa͂w te̠ n̓apamo̠k̓ lạgit̓ e̠ akbakaw baday kan ta͂he̠na. Landa waya ko̠ o̠na bo̠to̠r te̠ o̠ko̠y ho͂ baye̠ lạy akat̓ kō ta͂he̠ kana. Ar mo̠ne̠ re̠ ma rạskạ bhijạw…dēkō kur̠i jham-jham tho̠r. Ramesh ho͂ ye̠ kuli le̠de̠ ge̠ya: He̠nda ya, o̠ka re̠m ta͂he̠ kana? Ar ōnạk̓ hako̠-pako̠ o̠kate̠m calak̓ kana? Me̠nkhan ce̠t̓ ho͂ bay ro̠r̠ le̠da Sokol do, sujhi ye̠ udun͂ calaw e̠na.

Sofiya ma laha kho̠n ge̠ gētel kalakar jayga the̠c̓ e̠ se̠te̠r akan ta͂he̠n. Hay re dulạr̠ 4 gho̠nta re̠yak̓ chad̠a ho͂ bay sahaw dar̠e̠ le̠da. Banar ho̠r̠ ạkin n̓e̠l te̠ jiwi re̠ ạdi rōsar̠ kin ạykạw ke̠da. Muluc̓ macha landa kate̠t̓ tē re̠ tē kin sap̓ e̠na ar jalapuri ar̠e̠-ar̠e̠ te̠ ba.y-bạy te̠ kin tar̠am ke̠da. Ar duniyạ bho̠r re̠yak̓ go̠lpo̠. Dulạr̠ re̠do̠ ban͂ do̠ ho̠r̠ jạsti ge̠ ko̠ galmaraw; ban͂ do͂ ce̠t̓?

Beach wala restaurant re̠ katko̠m ar icak̓ haku wala dinner kin mangaw ke̠da. Sofiya ge̠ye̠ order ke̠da, Sokol ma bhage̠ restaurant re̠ no̠wa kō ho͂ n̓amo̠k̓a, baday ho͂ bay baday kan ta͂he̠n. Po̠ysa ma dhēr ge̠ lagat̓; menkhan jham-jham wala mamla kana, izzat do̠ho̠ ge̠ ho̠yo̠k̓a. Ar waise ho͂ po̠ysa rēyak̓ abhaw do̠ ba͂n̓ ta͂he̠ kana Sokol the̠c̓ do̠, e̠ke̠n hur̠u caki re̠yak̓ po̠ysa. Mo̠j ge̠ ạdi romantic mood re̠ kin jo̠m bar̠a ke̠da. Nito̠k̓ do̠ Sofiya do̠ Sokolak̓ tarin re͂ho͂ ayak̓ bo̠ho̠k̓ e̠ do̠ho̠ ye̠da. Ar tala tala re̠ bo̠ho̠k̓, up̓, lutur, jōha ko̠ ho͂ kin ce̠re̠c̓ jo̠n͂ kana.

Sana do̠ pase̠c̓ ayma jinis ge̠ ce̠ka sana ye̠t̓ kina, menkhan bakin ceka dar̠ēyak̓ kana ar bakin ro̠r̠ dar̠e̠yak̓ kana. O̠nka ge̠ tē re̠ tē sap̓ kate̠t̓ hotel se̠c̓ kin mondha ye̠na ar nasi nak̓ jo̠ha re̠ co̠k̓ kate̠ Sofiya do̠ rēyạm fạt ayak̓ hotel se̠c̓ kin mondha e̠na. Sokol ma ke͂re͂t kēdē le̠ka o̠nde̠ ge̠ye̠ dhan͂ ta͂he͂ ye̠n. Dēkō kur̠i wak̓ jạdu tho̠r judạ ge̠.

Go̠ta n̓indạ bay jạpit̓ dar̠e̠ wada o̠na disạ te̠. Hudis ke̠day ti re̠ se̠tak̓ ho̠yōk̓a ar Sofiya sa͂w te̠ ye̠ n̓apamo̠k̓a. O̠na hudis-hudis te̠ ti re̠ye̠ jạpit̓ ke̠da̠ bay buj le̠da ar go̠ta tikin e̠ jạpit̓ paro̠m ke̠da. Pase̠c̓ Sofiya wak̓ kukmu né̠l ēyạte̠ jạpit̓ hir̠in̓ ke̠day.

“He̠nda ya birit̓ me̠, 4baja ye̠na…gapa bōn calak̓a ar jạpit̓ be̠r̠o̠ akaday. Ale̠ ma go̠ta le̠ da͂r̠a-bar̠a he̠c̓ e̠n. Am do̠ jạpit̓ lạgit̓ e̠m he̠c̓ akana se̠ ce̠t̓?” Kikyạw kate̠t̓ Ramesh e̠ ro̠r̠ ke̠da.

Uniyak̓ ro̠r̠ anjo̠m kate̠t̓, har̠bar̠aw kate̠t̓ e̠ birit̓ ena ar dạbrạk̓ lạgit̓ e̠ n̓ir bo̠lo̠ ye̠na. Dạbrạ safa, saprak̓ ar nasta-nasta te 6baja ye̠na. Tihin̓ do̠ hudis thik kate̠t̓ ge̠y udun͂ e̠na, o̠na e̠yạte̠ bag wante̠, tayo̠m go̠k̓ bag kan taya..o̠na eyạte̠ jahan muskil do̠ ba͂n̓ ta͂he̠ kana.

Arho͂ o̠nde̠ gētēl kalakarak̓ tha͂w the̠c̓ ge̠y calaw e̠na. Sofiya ho͂ mulin o̠nde̠ ge̠ye̠ dur̠up̓ akan ta͂he̠na. Banar ho̠r̠ ge̠ rạskạ te̠ kin pēr̠ēc̓ e̠na. Jo̠to̠ katha ye̠ lay utạr adiya mit̓ sa͂he̠t̓ re̠; mo̠ne̠  re̠yak̓ katha ho͂ ta͂he͂ kana o̠na re̠ do̠.  O̠na anjo̠m sa͂w te̠ge̠ hidir-hidir me̠t̓-dak̓ jo̠ro̠ ye̠n taya, Sofiya wak̓ ho͂. Ar uni ho͂ ayak̓ mo̠ne̠ re̠yak̓ katha ye̠ ro̠r̠ so̠do̠r ke̠da. Banar dulạr̠ ce͂re͂ ar ho͂ udak̓ kin e̠ho̠p̓ ke̠da. Go̠ta dunyạ kho̠n be̠kho̠bo̠r.

Tihin̓ do̠ go̠ta n̓indạ re̠yak̓ program ta͂he̠ kana. O̠na e̠yạte̠ bag ho͂ so̠nge̠ te̠ ge̠ ta͂he̠ kana. Sofiya ge̠ Chinese food ar 2litres re̠yak̓ Sprite e̠ hataw ke̠da. Ar go̠ta níndạ program lạgit̓ ōkō macha jayga kin n̓am ke̠da. Cētan re̠ n̓indạ candō ar ēpēlak̓ parha ar saman͂ re̠ jalapuri wak̓ ar̠an͂…ạdi judạ experience ta͂he͂ kana Sokol lạgit do̠, bilkul magic moment, e̠kdo̠m jham-jham. Ar banar dulạr̠ ce͂re͂ do̠ akinak̓ tukạ re̠ kin sambaw cala we̠na.

                                                                         * * *

Adi muskil te̠ me̠t̓ jhic̓ e̠n taya. N̓indạ candō ma bạnuy ar Sin̓ candō ma rakap̓ akan digir-digir. Sofiya né̠le̠ lạgit̓ ho̠to̠k̓ e̠ ạcur ke̠da, cēlē Sofiya o̠nde̠ ma sēta hopone̠ ku͂-ku͂ bar̠ay kan. Bag, purse , sōna re̠yak̓ ce̠n ar ghạr̠i jo̠to̠ gayab. E̠ke̠n ho̠ro̠k̓ kicric̓ ar panahi mo̠to̠c̓ ta͂he̠ kan taya. “Hay re̠ jala nowa jham-jham cakkar re̠ Sofiya do̠ ye̠ lutuc̓ le̠tec̓ kidin̓a, sprite bo̠tol re̠ pase̠c̓ behosi ran e̠ milạw le̠da.” Sokol e̠ hudis n̓am ke̠da. Po̠ysa ar saman banar gayab, ce̠t̓ e̠ ce̠kaya n̓it̓ do̠. Sin̓ candō se̠c̓ e̠ ko̠yo̠k̓ ke̠da, ruạr̠ train ho͂ 7baja ta͂he̠ kana. Birạm-pạt hotel se̠c̓ e̠ dạr̠ ke̠da. O̠nde̠ se̠te̠r kate̠t̓ e̠ baday ke̠t̓ jo̠to̠ ma mit̓ gho̠nta laha re̠ge̠ kō udun͂ e̠n…se̠ndra lēdē gēya ko uni ho͂, menkhan train re̠yak̓ so̠mo̠y hōy e̠n te̠kō bạgi adiya. Ce̠t̓ e̠ ro̠r̠a, hotel wala the̠c̓ ho͂ cup-cap gar̠pac̓-gur̠puc̓ kate̠t̓ station se̠c̓ tar̠am te̠ge̠ ye̠ mundha ye̠na. Station se̠te̠r kate̠t̓ e̠ baday ke̠da je̠ train ma adha gho̠nta laha re̠ udun͂ tibak̓ e̠n.

Ce̠t̓ e̠ ce̠kaya, bo̠ho̠k̓ sap̓ kate̠t̓, ạdi ghạric̓ station re̠yak̓ bēnci re̠ye̠ durup̓ ta͂he͂ ye̠na. Ayma ho̠r̠ ne̠ho̠r bar̠awak̓ kōa, me̠nkhan bakō go͂r̠o͂ adiya. Ce̠t’ e̠ ce̠kaya, ruwạr̠o̠k̓ ma hōyōk̓ ge̠; ạdi maran͂ bugdhi he̠c̓ adēa. Hudis ke̠day: “Train te̠ o̠ka se̠c̓ te̠le̠ he̠c̓ le̠n o̠na mayin̓ disạe̠t̓ ge̠. Pạtri panja-panja te̠ yin̓ calaw le̠n khan mit̓ din Dumka sur jạr̠ur̠ in̓ se̠te̠ro̠k̓ ge̠ya. Ar jo̠m-n̓u jinis do̠ dekha jay.”

Re͂ge̠c̓-titan͂ te̠, pạtri ar̠e̠-ar̠e̠ Puri kho̠n10-15km gan do̠ye̠ tar̠am ēdē kēda. Acka ge̠ khe̠t̓ se̠c̓ kho̠n “ho̠r̠ ro̠r̠” e̠ anjo̠m ke̠da. 5-6 ho̠r̠ khe̠t re̠ kō siyạk̓ kan ta͂he̠na ar Santhali te̠kō galmarak̓ kan ta͂he̠na. Sokol ạdi jilin̓ e̠ sahe͂t̓ ke̠da, khạtir sahe͂t̓. Pase̠c̓ ade̠-pase̠ re̠ge̠ ho̠r̠ atō me̠nak̓a. Ōrisa re͂ho͂ ho̠r̠ me̠nak̓ ko̠a, uni do̠ bay baday kan ta͂he̠na. O̠na e̠yate̠ jiwi he̠c̓ ruạr̠ e̠n taya.

“Nit̓ do̠n̓ bancawe̠na” hudis ke̠day.

                                                                       * * *

Mạnjhi har̠am the̠c̓ kō sōr kēdēya. Laha do̠ sikạ kō n̓e̠l ke̠t̓ taya ar dak̓ kō e̠made̠a, o̠na bade̠ kisa kō anjo̠m ke̠t̓ taya. Sokol ho͂ sạri-sạri jo̠to̠ katha ye̠ lạy so̠do̠r ke̠da. Uniyak̓ kisa anjo̠m te̠ jo̠to̠ ho̠r̠ muluc̓-muluc̓ ko̠ landa keda. Ado̠ manjhi har̠am e̠ ro̠r̠ keda:

“He̠nda ho go̠mke̠, abin do̠ e̠se̠l safa dēkō kuli n̓e̠l kate̠t̓ bin paska we̠na, le̠nje̠t̓ e̠na. E̠nho͂ Thạkur Baba ar Jahe̠r E̠ra wak̓ daya te̠ ale̠ the̠c̓ bin se̠te̠r ēna. Alo bin bhabna a, bar-pe̠ din ar ho͂ pērak̓ bin ale̠ the̠c̓ ho͂. O̠na bade̠ nahak̓ ale̠ ge̠ le̠ se̠te̠r go̠l kabina.”

Ado̠ Sokol do̠ pe̠ din kajak̓ pe̠r̠a purhu re̠ye̠ ta͂he̠ye̠na. Ar manjhi har̠am ro̠r̠ le̠ka te̠ po̠ysa uthạw kate̠t̓ kō se̠te̠r atō kadēya...Dumka dhabic̓.

* * *

Translation: Rạnjit Kumar Hãsdak̓

Our college: Sạntal Pạrgạna Mahavidyalay, District – Dumka. The first prestigious college of entire Sạntal Pạrgạnas. How many well known and respected people have passed out ... of this institution! Boys and girls of the whole Sạntal Pạrgạnas have a sole dream: if you are to go to a college ... that has to be it!

Sokol Murmu, Village: Saharjuri, Police Station: Shikaripara, District: Dumka was the son of the village headman. They were rich by the village standards ... they used to heap paddy in four huge ‘Chak’s (piles). Their ‘Ḍhula’, the wooden erection to place ‘Bạndi’s (used to store grains), was chockfull of ‘Bạndi’s, all filled with paddy and their courtyard, too, was full of ‘Murại’s, the grain stores. Cattle filled up the cowshed and poultry and pigs abounded. He had the pluck to study, from his very childhood. In the village primary and high school, he was counted among considerably bright students. Would study at Dumka SP College, roam about in western clothes, would be able to see the first show of a movie with friends, travel in the bus from Dumka to Shikaripara like a ‘Boss’ without paying for the tickets ... and bait girls at Shikaripara Town Square as a ‘Hero’ ... these thoughts used to make his tummy tickle.

Our hero Sokol Murmu could barely make it to the ‘2nd list’ with the combination of History, Political Science and Hindi as subjects. He also found a seat in Adivasi Welfare Hostel. But the greatest of the difficulties lied within the hostel itself ... he was ridden roughshod in the ragging. Senior brothers made him do many such things which he had never thought possible even in his wildest imaginations. He endured all, thinking that maybe it was the norm in a prominent college ... and after all, he, too, would be a senior brother in a year. Afraid of ragging, his first month was spent more in watching cinema and roaming about in the town of Dumka than in the classroom. Due to that reason, he had left no stone untrampled in the any of the streets in Dumka. And, had made many friends ... all ‘first year’ young calves.

“Hey you, Sokol ... this Christmas the hostel has arranged for an excursion to Puri for us, will you go?” Ramesh Kisku asked. Ramesh and Sokol were in the same class, they used to run off to Cinema afraid of ragging, that’s why they were close friends.
“How much it will cost, Ramesh?”
“Not much, 1000/-”
“And will we find ‘jham-jham’ (girls) or not?”
“Hey, let’s go, and if we don’t find them, we already have a few with us,” Ramesh replied, relishing the prospect.
“So, got to go ... by the train, of course?” he probed a bit. Since Dumka was not connected by railway, the wish to travel by a train was very much there. To top that, the desire to see the sea. Both the friends embarked upon the journey.

* * *

Altogether, there were around 30 boys and girls. Both the hostel superintendents as well. Both the boys and the girls having a separate one. They reached Bhuwaneshwar comfortably. They saw everything in a day there. Next day, after watching the animals at Nandan Kannan, they left for Somnath temple. They reached Puri by the night. They were already booked in a cheap hotel through the travel agency. Separate for both the boys and the girls. The programme was for two days. Being dead tired, they slept soundly, snoring along merrily.

Their hotel was on the sea beach itself. Were woken up early by the damp morning breeze. And, then they left for the beach to enjoy the sea breeze. The vast sandy beach of the Puri felt lovely. Watching the endless Bay of Bengal left them craving for more. Waves were rising as high as ‘Hinjla’ hill and rushing towards the shore ... and dying out like the crystal-clear water of ‘Mor’ river, having once reached the edge.

Boys and girls were strolling about on the beach in pairs. And, observing them, our boys and girls, too, formed ‘couples’. Ramesh, too, found a match in Lalita. They had conversed a little, while in the college, but their friendship grew stronger in a distant land. Within two days, they were in love like old companions ... Love, Oh, Love.

Only Sokol was left out, he was abusing them silently and also cursing himself. “You idiot, Sokol, you and your schemes for enticing the girls! Do you understand, if only you could have successfully baited any one of them, the job would have been done. You idiot xxxx!” he muttered to himself.

What was he to do, kicking the sand on the beach, he moved towards a different direction. Only a small distance ahead, one person had beautifully carved out of the sand the face of Mahatma Gandhi. And was busy carving out another one ... perhaps it was Aishwarya Rai ... was yet to complete it. He appeared to be a proficient artist. Such artwork on the sand, Sokol had never seen elsewhere. He stood rooted there. After a long time, he heard a voice, sounding like a cuckoo bird, from somewhere close. Sokol woke up from his stupor.

“I’m observing for a long time, that you’re enchanted by the art of this artist,” one very fair beautiful girl was saying to him in Hindi. “You also appear to be an art lover ... like me.”

Who will not be taken aback on hearing to such sweet voice, sounding as if belonging to someone very close, in a foreign land .... Sokol too, was stunned. He could only mumble, “Right.”

“You have come alone for a stroll, don’t you have any companion?” Again, it was that lovely looking girl who led the conversation, “My all friends, too, left with their respective companions, only I’m getting bored, alone. Apparently, you are also facing the same situation.”

“Perhaps I’m not annoying you? By the way, my name is Sofia, and yours?”
If some lovely girl speaks to you like this, and you will not fall in line, that is not possible. And, Sokol was looking for such an opportunity only. He replied quickly, “No, no, it’s not like that. I’ve loads and loads of time on my hands. I, too, need a companion. It’s good that I found you.”

“By the way, my name is Somay, Somay Ṭuḍu,” he lied deliberately.
“Then Somay Ji, why don’t we walk along the beach, we can have a chat, will get to know each other and also pass the time,” Sofia proposed.

Both started walking on the sea beach. No one could have told from their body language that these two were strangers to each other only a short while back. Must have been murmuring sweet-nothings to each other, as they had twice consumed ice cream in between. And being a guy, it was Somay who was making the payments. Sofia was only to enjoy the consumption. They strolled around for two-three hours and chatted, too. They became very intimate in this short time only. Like old friends. Sokol suddenly remembered, he had to go back to the hotel for lunch.

“Okay, Sofia, it was nice meeting you. Now, I’ve to leave. By the way, what are you doing in the evening? Let us meet here only ... if you agree, we’ll also go to the dinner together,” Sokol took the chance.

“Can’t say, don’t know what friends are planning ... but still I’ll try. We don’t have to go far off for the dinner; there is a good restaurant nearby.” She did not say ‘yes’ directly. After all, Diku girls are clever. Both of them waved each other good bye and parted. And, both of them looked very happy. Sokol, more so, having been able to land a Diku ‘jham-jham’ in a foreign land.

* * *

In the evening, all the college boys and girls were getting ready for a walk. All were in much hurry. Sokol also got ready quickly and was anxious to meet Sofia. He had not told anyone afraid of being laughed at. And, his heart was dripping with happiness ... after all, a Diku girl ‘jham-jham’. Ramesh, too, had asked him, “Hey, you, where’ve been you to, and where’re you going hurriedly?” But Sokol had not replied anything, he went straight out.

Sofia had already arrived at the Sand Artist’s place. Love, oh! Love! It could not bear the separation of even four hours. Both of them felt alive upon seeing each other. Smiling, both held hands and started walking slowly on the beach. And, chatted about everything upon the earth. Perhaps people talk a lot when in love, isn’t it?

They had ordered for the dinner consisting of lobsters and prawns. Sofia only had placed the order. In a good restaurant such items are available, Sokol was not even aware of that. It was going to cost a lot; but it was a matter pertaining to ‘jham-jham’, one’s honour must be upheld. And, otherwise also, Sokol had no shortage of money, it was all from the paddy granaries. They had the dinner in a great romantic mood. Now, Sofia was even resting her head against Sokol’s shoulders. And, in between, they were caressing each other’s heads, hairs, faces.

Possibly, they desired to do much more but were unable to either do so or talk about it. Continuing to hold each other’s hands, they proceeded towards their respective hotels. After little pecks upon each other’s cheeks, Sofia left briskly for her hotel. Sokol remained glued to the spot. It was, after all, a Diku girl’s magic, somewhat special.

Recalling the day, he could not get a wink the entire night. He kept on thinking of when it was going to be the morning and he would be going to meet Sofia. Continuing to think of the same he could not comprehend when he fall asleep and continued to doze through the whole afternoon.  Maybe he was dreaming of Sofia which made him forget and he slept on.

“Hey, you, get up, its 4 pm ... we would be leaving tomorrow and this fool is fast asleep. We’ve returned after doing the whole sight-seeing. Have you come here for sleeping or what?” Ramesh shouted.

Hearing him speak, he got up hurriedly and ran into the bathroom. It was 6 pm by the time he took bath, got ready and broke his fast. Today he went out with pre-determination, he had his bag, the one of a kind which one carries on the back, and so, it was not that hard.

He went to the place of the sand artist. Sofia, too, was sitting there looking a little forlorn. Both of them swelled up with happiness. He told her everything in a single breath, even whatever he felt in his heart. Once she heard that large tears rolled down her cheeks. And, she too, let out her feelings. The two lovebirds were fluttering again, oblivious of the rest of the world.

Tonight, it was to be an all-night programme. That is why he was carrying the bag. It was Sofia who brought Chinese food and a 2-litre bottle of Sprite. And, they found a sort of hidden place to spend the night. The Moon and the stars kept a vigil from the above and the voice of the sea from the front ... it was a very different experience for Sokol, truly a magic moment, absolutely ‘jham-jham’. And both the lovebirds kept descending into their love-nest.

* * *

He could open his eyes with great difficulty. The Moon had vanished and in its place the Sun was shining bright. He turned his neck to see Sofia, and, what Sofia, a puppy was howling in her place. His bag, wallet, gold chain and watch, all had disappeared. Only the clothes and shoes he wore were left on him. “Alas! Quest of this ‘jham-jham’ thing proved to be so distressing, Sofia robbed me bare, perhaps she mixed some knock-out drug into the bottle of Sprite,” Sokol deduced. He had lost both money and the luggage, what he was to do now. He looked at the Sun, recalled that the return train was at 7 am. He rushed to the hotel at full speed. Reaching there, he found that everyone else had left one hour before ... they had looked for him but had to leave without as it was the time for the train. What was he to say, he gave evasive replies to the hotel staff and left for the station on foot. Reaching station, he came to know that the train had already left half an hour back.

What he was to do, holding his head between his heads, he sat down on a bench at the station for a long time. He pleaded with many people, but no one helped him out. What he was to do, he had to return somehow, and then an idea struck him. He thought, “I remember the way we came by the train. If I follow the railway tracks, I’ll definitely reach Dumka someday. And about food and drinks, let’s see.”

Hungry and thirsty, he walked 10-15 Kms from Puri along the tracks. Suddenly he heard Sạntali being spoken from an adjacent field. Five or six persons were ploughing the field and conversing in Sạntali. Sokol took a very deep breath, a breath of relief. May be there was a Sạntal village nearby. There are Sạntals in Orissa too, he had not known. At this moment, the life came back into him.

“Now, I’m saved,” he thought.

* * *

He was taken to the village headman. They first looked for his ‘Sikạ’, the burnt mark on the wrist, and gave him water, and thereafter, listened to his story. Sokol, too, told them everything truthfully. On hearing his tale, everyone smiled. Then, the headman spoke:

“Look here, Gomke, seeing a fair Diku girl, you fell for her, slipped down. Even then, by the grace of the God and the Lady of the Sacred Grove, you reached us. Don’t worry, enjoy our hospitality for two-three days. Thereafter, we ourselves will take you back.”

So, Sokol stayed there for three days enjoying the warm welcome. And, as promised by the headman, they raised some money and escorted him back ... to Dumka.

* * *

साभार: सर्वश्री सुन्दर मनोज हेम्ब्रम एवं रंजीत कुमार हंसदा

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